We need to start by drawing your attention to the disruption that AI (Artificial Intelligence) will have on the world in the next 5 - 6 years

The world is going to look a whole lot different, and our traditional and conventional schooling will not prepare our kids for the  enormous disruption that AI is going to bring. This is why we should start preparing our children immediately for this unavoidable change.

Artificial Intelligence will have a significant impact on the way we work, learn and live. It is already changing, and has an impact on many industries, and this rate of change will only accelerate. Consequently our children will be faced with a new set of challenges and also opportunities when they are finished with school - and this will require a complete new set of skills!

To illustrate this point we would like to encourage you to watch the next three YouTube videos:
2024 Internet Learning Solutions (Pty) Ltd
ChatGPT and GPT-4 are examples of AI technologies that will drastically alter the way in which we interact with technology. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way in which we learn and work, but it also poses great challenges. It is therefore imperative that we equip our children with the skills they will need to flourish in this new era of AI.

You will need to think about how you will equip your children for the disruption that Artificial Intelligence is going to bring. As a parent you have a critical role to play to ensure that your child has the skills that will  be necessary and required to survive the future.
ChatGPT has already proven to be very powerful in various industries, such as Graphic Design, Law, Medicine, and of course computer programming!

Since it is always good to have some knowledge and experience with computer code, this is where we are focussing on: we will teach your child how to understand and write code using ChatGPT as a source for the coding language.

We believe that this will not only equip your children
with basic computer programming skills, but also
make them comfortable in the AI environment for
whatever career choices they may make one day.

From this video above, make sure to follow the discussion about the Top 10 skills that are on the rise. Calculate, according to the dates being thrown around in the various videos, when your kids will be finished with school and what skills school will have taught them...
...and then realize why we are mixing in CheatGPT with our Maths tutoring!